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                   For my final passion project I wanted to blend photography and graphic design to create posters for an album. Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon is really interesting because each song has its own story to tell. The lyrics imply really interesting visuals. Graham Jones was my model for this, and I think the image elements really completes the composition. While I'm more proud of a few than others, overall this was a very successful experiment. 

Passion Project

Portrait Photoshoot

                   Special thanks to my good friend Peter Albert Vidito The Third for letting me drag him to the park on a Saturday and publicly. Our vision for this shoot was an absurd little day at the park with some props I keep in my room. Petey was a great model because he somehow took my jumbled directions and made it stylish. We intentionally shot in absurd ways but I'm glad he chose to wear his bootleg Bart shirt. It really added to this. I'm not sure exactly hat it added but it was something. It was Powell park on an overcast day, which was a bit crummy for lighting, but there were so many beautiful leaves around I'm glad we chose the location. My favorite shot, the one through the fence, caught the attention of a park employee. He must've thought we were doing something shady. What could be suspicious about two kids crouching on the ground with a small clown doll?

Five words

           For our first assignment, I wanted to do things a bit simply. Two of the pictures I shot on location in a grave yard in Idaho city while visiting my dad. The others were shot either near my house or in my room after homework. This isn't the most meaningful photoset, but it was a good way to start some year with practice.

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